Thursday, August 21, 2008

omg, it's time

Hello to Milinh, Morgan and someone called monkeyface (I think I know who you are...). It is nice to see you are checking the blog. Maybe you could post once in a while with advice for new 8th graders, and please, let me know how high school is going.

Back to school is a crazy time, a sad time, and a fun time - all at once. I dearly love summer, but I love school too. Yet, summer can be boring, and school is sometimes a little boring. I love the teaching part, not so much the rules and regulations, which is all I get to talk about for at least a week. Zzzzzzzz. I am going camping this weekend. Maybe a mosquito will bite me and I will get whatever crazy mosquito flu that it is they carry. Then I might have to miss a couple of those first days. But NO, that is a silly fantasy, I will be here, sitting through meetings, feeling restless, anxiously awaiting the first day and meeting my students, because they are why I'm here. Anyway, who fantasizes about catching mosquito flu?!?! Teachers? Freshmen? Me.

Here we go....