Monday, November 10, 2008

Election Fever!

So, as a Social Studies teacher, I have to ask - What do you think about the election results? Any thoughts on the campaign? Favorite moments? Great speeches?

250 years ago, African Americans were counted as 3/5 of a person, now one will be president.


B00KMARK said...

I think Obama is so presidential. I hope that he will have the fortitude to become a truly great American leader. We sure need one.

rollinsevans said...

Thank you for your comment. I know many Marks, which one are you?

amandabear said...

i think that obama as president will make a diffrence in the united states and me as a citizen of the united states i think obama will make a a diffrence

austin said...

Wwwwwwaaaaaassssssssss up miss evans I like how we finnaly have an african american prez and I htink he has some good ideas I think he's gonna have a good impact on the united states

Seacrest out!

amandabear said...

hi mrs.evens its amanda i am goin to say that i still think that i love the new president i love obama

Anonymous said...

People think the biggest challenge facing us is the economy but I think the biggest threat facing America is Canada. President-Elect Obama probably had a friend in the great Prime Minister Stephen Harper, but now that the Liberals have united with those crazy separatist from Quebec, who knows what kind of stuff is gonna go down. Blame Canada!

amandabear said...

MJR,I have to wonder what kind of person you are siding with Canadian conservatives. Goverment funded elections are a thing of the past.