Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What parts of history are important to you?

I recently watched an episode of American Experience, part 3 on the life of President Harry Truman. He was an interesting guy, and as the show went on, I started to feel tired, yet wanted to keep watching. Why? He was a president of humble beginnings and sorta just fell into the job. He could have been a "do-nothing" president, but instead, he stepped up to the challenge of helping to rebuild war-torn Europe and kicked off America's policy of helping out nations in trouble. He was very unpopular, yet got re-elected. Anyway, I couldn't tear myself away, and still wondered, "why am I not just going to bed, it is late and I am tired, etc..." Then, it hit me, Truman was president when my parents were born and as I watched, I was thinking about what it was like for them as kids, and about my grandparents. I wondered if they liked Harry Truman?

So, after all that rambling, here is the question: What parts of history are you interested in? Not just interested in, but what parts do you love learning about? Why? Can you share a little new knowledge with us?
Any postings before June 9, 2008, 5pm will earn 40 team points. The team with the most postings will earn an extra 100. You have to include your name and team and your entry needs to be real.


Morgan said...

I like learning aboout the second World War. Even though it was a terrible time in history, it was a very interesting one. One of the more recent things I learned about World War II was the battleship Yamato (大和), the biggset battleship in Japan's fleet.

NormalTeen said...

The civil war is important to me because without it we would probably still have slaves today and that is a big no no!!!!

Yellow squad!!!

Morgan said...

Oh yeah... I forgot... I'm Green Team.

chelseaor1 said...

last year at reynolds in my advanced lit. class we learned about the houlocast and world war2. it was such a tragedy but it was such an intresting topic and learning about it made me thanfull that i my self wasn't there.

go yellow squad

karly.morris(: said...

i liked learning about the civil war because it has played such a big part in our life as of today.
what if we were slaves?
we wouldn't even be learning wbout all of this stuff.
it is interesting to think about.
a lot of people died in this part in time, but at the same time a lot of good things happened.

Anonymous said...

um i wanted to know the name of the movie that we watched in class the last time
have a great summer